
One Rival Crock Pot pre-Christmas gift that I am sure won't be duplicated in whole - or in parts.

I knownthat it is early days yet to be thinking out loud about Christmas and what I might be getting for those on my list, but for at least one friend, I might be going way off book and doing something that nobody would expect and I just thought that this might be the forum to put my thoughts down on virtual paper. Why would this blog be an appropriate forum for this? Well, the reason is that one of my friends really loves her home kitchen slow cooker; it is a Rival Crock Pot brand slow cooker - I couldn't tell you the model name or even the size, but I will find those things out when it is time to. It will be time to know these things soon because my bright idea is to kidnap her trusty slow cooker and restore it to fine working order with the appropriate application of some much needed rival crock pot parts. You see, my friend really, really, really loves her slow cooker and has said to me more than once how loath she is to give up on it but that at the same time it is in dire need of a new lid and maybe even a new handle for the outer shell. So, when it is time to move ahead with my nefarious plan I will discreetly seize her kitchen appliance, get the pertinent information from it and replace it, leaving her none the wiser about my intentions towards the humble appliance. Once I am pretty sure that I will be able to find the needed crock pot parts either at a local kitchen parts store or hardware store and if not then I will take my search online and locate the parts I need that way. Of course ordering anything online adds time to the equation so I have left myself enough leeway or lead time to make this doable. Once I have the needed parts on hand, I will once again acquire her slow cooker and go to town cleaningit up and restoring it to its former slow cooker glory.

There may be some of you wondering how I know that this won't blow up in my face when another friend of hers, fed up with listening to her moan on an on about her beloved slow cooker, goes and decides to get her another slow cooker for Christmas. Not a problem. The fact is, my friend has her birthday coming up pretty close to Christmas but early enough before then that if I give her back her crock pot - fully restored - in time for her Birthday, it will be soon enough before the holidays so that nobody else is likely to get her a new crock pot for Christmas. Sneaky? Yes.

I like to think that I have done my best to think of everything.

Stay tuned...

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